Special Education

In regards to Special Education, Mayfield Central School District is committed to the following:

  • All students are entitled to a free appropriate public education.
  • Protecting the health and safety of students and staff is paramount.
  • Meaningful parent engagement in parent’s preferred language/mode of communication.
  • CSE/CPSE and program providers should collaborate on the various possible settings where a student will be served.
  • Students will need access to the necessary instructional and technological supports to meet their needs.
  • Districts should document all programs/services and communications with parents.
  • Consider in-person services whenever possible.
  • Consider contingency plans to address remote learning needs.

Whether Mayfield Central School District provides in-person, remote and/or hybrid educational services to general education students, the same services will be afforded to students with disabilities, including making every effort to the greatest extent possible, that each student with a disability be provided the special education and related services set forth in their IEP. 

The Federal Department of Education guidance recognizes that there may be exceptional circumstances which could affect how a particular service is provided, given health guidelines and the goal of preventing transmission of the virus in the provision of these services.  

Special education services are documented through a variety of measures such as Google documents, online platforms and a software system, Frontline.   Communication with parents is essential, and teachers/service providers document each contact for a variety of reasons (student progress and engagement, attendance, etc).  Parent engagement is crucial for student success whether children are engaged in a hybrid, remote or in-person learning environment.  District personnel will use a variety of techniques such as phone calls, emails, online learning platforms, etc., and in the parent’s preferred language in order to meet the requirements of IDEA.  The district will provide parents/guardians with student progress via quarterly (Secondary) or trimester (Elementary) progress monitoring, updated webpage resources, phone calls, emails, etc., for all students with disabilities.  

Lastly, students with disabilities have access to all accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids, technology and services in accordance to their IEP.  

Special education teachers, general education teachers, and administration will converse in regards to ensuring the above requirements are implemented and all guidelines are met.  

Our District addresses the provision of free, appropriate public education consistent with the need to protect the health and safety of our students with disabilities and those providing special education and services.  These services will be provided to our students through in-person, remote, and/or a hybrid model.  

Our District reopening plan addresses collaboration between both the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and Committees on Special Education (CSE) and all program providers representing a variety of settings where students are served.  The provision of services is consistent with the recommendations on IEPs, student progress, and sharing resources.